Councilor Danberg working with City Clerk David Olson
Enacted traffic calming and pedestrian safety procedures.
Enhanced pedestrian safety by leading the Passage of the Snow Removal from Public Sidewalks ordinance.
Developing green solutions within the City to reduce our carbon footprint and respond to climate change.
Docketed and passed the Sustainable Food Containers and Packaging Ordinance that bans single use polystyrene food containers and plastic stir sticks from entering our waste stream.
Working in favor of solar proposals at our public buildings, the library and our schools.
Working to develop a plan to reuse the Armory for the benefit of the community.
Served as an advocate for our schools through sound long-range financial planning and support of teachers and staff.
Advocating to fund capital improvements for Newton MBTA stations.
As Vice Chair of the Long Range Planning Committee, she worked to reinstate a five year financial forecast so that Newton could gain control of its finances and supported the creation of the Blue Ribbon Commission and Citizens Advisory Group.
As Vice Chair of Public Safety, advocated for equipment and support for public safety and safer conditions for pedestrians and children walking to school.
Energized neighborhoods like the Newton Centre by beautifying the landscape and recruiting new businesses like Panera Bread and Station Diner.
She has served the City of Newton since 2004 and has been involved in City activities since moving here in 1977.
Her MBA and business management skills have benefited the City.
Vicki has served as an advocate for long term financial planning for our schools.
Vicki currently serves as Chair of the Real Property Reuse Committee, Vice Chair of the Zoning and Planning Committee and is a member of the Public Facilities Committee.

Vicki is hard-working and dedicated to improving quality of life for all in Newton.
She has advocated for:
o the Newton Public Schools which her children attended.
o the Newton History Museum
o better housing options for all current and future residents
o the Newton Cultural Alliance
o the Scandinavian Living Center
o the Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs, Can-do and more.
She is there for you when issues that impact your life are being discussed at City Hall. She listens!
Vicki was a founding member of Newton Cultural alliance that brings together various arts and cultural organizations that enhance the quality of life for Newton Citizens
Long term volunteer for local and international humanitarian causes.
Vicki and her husband have provided housing through Hospitality Homes to patients and their families at Boston area hospitals who cannot afford the high cost of lodging while under treatment.
Vicki is a stand-out Councilor! Original with a fresh can-do attitude, Vicki rolls up her sleeves, gets to work and solves problems. Fearless and focused, she accomplishes what others hesitate to take on. She listens. She shows up. She inspires others to join her in finding solutions.
Whether it's making our Village Centers more attractive and vibrant, tackling parking and traffic issues, attracting the right business mix, or assisting businesses to navigate municipal processes and obtain available services, Vicki gets to the heart of the matter - making Newton better. Vicki is admired for her leadership skills and creative ideas. More importantly, she is respected for her portfolio of tangible accomplishments.