Banning Polystyrene products and plastic stir sticks

Councilor Danberg was one of the Councilors who docketed the proposed Sustainable Food Containers and Packaging Ordinance:

I am very excited that we were able to pass the Sustainable Food Containers and Packaging Ordinance, and thank Green Newton for their efforts in helping pass this much needed ban protecting both our citizens and environment. 

Click here to read more about the Sustainable Food Containers and Packaging Ordinance.

Safe Sidewalks

Councilor Danberg led the successful passage of safe-sidewalks legislation:

Newton TAB: "Newton Aldermen Pass Mandatory Snow Shoveling Law"

Village improvements

Councilor Danberg succesfully advances village life in Newton.

Listen to Joel Kadis upon being awarded the Citizen Champion Award at the Town of Newton Business Excellence Awards Ceremony.

“In particular I would like to thank Vicki Danberg who doesn’t understand what no means” (1.55).