About Vicki Danberg
Vicki grew up on Martha’s Vineyard and came to Boston to attend Simmons College from which she received both her BA and her MBA degrees. In the years that followed, she was involved with extensive work and volunteer experiences as a teacher, administrator, fundraiser and community activist.
Vicki has always been a positive player, working for progressive causes in Newton and elsewhere. She has served on the Board of Aldermen (now the City Council) since 2004, and as Councilor at Large she represents all of Newton and all of Newton can vote for her.
Councilor Vicki Danberg with her husband Dr. John Ficarelli.
She is married to Dr. John Ficarelli, a pediatric dentist who practices here in Newton. Together, they have raised two sons and one daughter, all of whom, they are proud to say, are independent, happy adults, along with three granddogs.
Vicki and John have lived in Newton Center since 1977 where they rescued an old Victorian and turned it into their family home. They also have rescued a series of much loved dogs who have twisted them around their furry paws over the years and helped to make their home even more special.
Councilor Vicki Danberg with her family.
Occupational/ Professional Experience:
Newton Ward 6 Councilor-at-Large
Vicki currently holds Board Committee Assignments as:
Real Property Reuse, Chair
Zoning and Planning, Vice Chair
Public Facilities
MBA, Finance and Management
Healthcare Management
Boston Beer Company, Auditor
Massachusetts Bankers Association, Reconstructed curriculum of Bankers’ School
Chelsea Receivership Team, Member
Brookline High School, Foreign Language Teacher
Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, Columbia, English Teacher/Instructor
Healthcare Products Manufacturing Co., Founder and Partner
In addition:
Vicki is fluent in Spanish
She has been active in a large number of arts and cultural projects, as well as health and wellness non-profit fundraising.
Vicki has made major fundraising contributions to the Newton Boys and Girls Clubs, children with rare diseases including ALS, METCO, affordable housing, Boston Pops, Boston Ballet, Boston Conservatory, Boston Symphony and the Newton Cultural Alliance.
Vicki has been very active in her contributions to various progressive political campaigns in Newton and Boston assisting them by raising funds and contributing her considerable organizational skills.
Vicki and John volunteer regularly through the auspices of Project Stretch, Dentistry Reaching Out to Children. They help to provide much needed dental services to those for whom dental care is often out of reach.
Click on Vicki Helping Others for more details.